Description - The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented by the element they harness, and peace has lasted throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under the supervision of the Avatar, a link to the spirit world and the only being capable of mastering the use of all four elements. When young Avatar Aang disappears, the Fire Nation launches an attack to eradicate all members of the Air Nomads to prevent interference in their future plans for world domination. 100 years pass and current Fire Lord Ozai continues to conquer and imprison anyone with elemental "bending" abilities in the Earth and Water Kingdoms, while siblings Katara and Sokka from a Southern Water Tribe find a mysterious boy trapped beneath the ice outside their village. Upon rescuing him, he reveals himself to be Aang, Avatar and last of the Air Nomads. Swearing to protect the Avatar, Katara and Sokka journey with him to the Northern Water Kingdom in his quest to master "Waterbending" and eventually fulfill his destiny of once again restoring peace to the world. But as they inch nearer to their goal, the group must evade Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Lord Ozai, Commander Zhao, the Fire Nation's military leader, and the tyrannical onslaught of the evil Fire Lord himself
average rating - 4,2 of 10
runtime - 103 Min
Nicola Peltz
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The last airbender avatar. Since they did Birds of Prey on Cinema Sins, I wonder if they'll do the Syfy animated Harley Quin series on TV Sins. I think it's a fun show but I spotted some potential sins Lol. The last airbender sequel.
I love that the sin on the opening title sequence was really a sin on the Shyamalan movie
Seriously, when I saw book one: water I was tweaking the hell out like THEY'RE MAKING MORE OF THIS DUNGHILL OF A MOVIE.
The last airbender characters.
The last airbender - nostalgia critic reaction.
The last airbender 2.
The last airbender games.
WARNING THERE WILL BE SPOILERS, I went to an early screening) but the movie itself will be so bad that it's not spoiling anything. I'm also writing spoilers on purpose so people can see I have actually seen the movie and am not just a troll.
First off I'm a fan of the TV series. I also already had low expectations going into the movie seeing it was made by M night. br>
The is NOTHING like the TV series, the characters have ZERO development in it. Ang is someone I didn't even like the entire movie or any of the other characters. The script is so flat without any humor at all that made the movie so endearing. There was basically no plot, and the acting... I know they needed a martial arts kid, but wow I have never seen such a poor acting job by every single person that was in the ENTIRE movie besides for the uncle.
The visual effects were so cheesy and over the top and the movie was filled with so many ridiculous slo-mo moments that you couldn't help but laugh. There was absolutely no dramatic scene at all, even the ships all raining fire on Ang wasn't shown as it was in the trailer. br>
I blame the director. For instance on the end battle scene the commander of the fire army and a bunch of his men just simply walks up to the moon/dragon spirits to kill them with NOBODY trying to stop them besides for the princess and the useless brother. During the battle scene which is the WORST I have ever seen, they have just had Ang captured, and the characters calmly STROLL around in the MIDDLE of the battle with nobody touching them. Calmy saying Oh no Ang is gone we have to find him. With zero emotion or distress in her voice.
THe last time I've seen such a poor quality film was Meet the it pretty much doesn't get worse than that. I'm writing this so all you Avatar fans won't go watch it and come out and rage and rant like I did for hours after it. Watch it at your peril. Rating: 1/10.
The last airbender cartoon. The last airbender ost. The last airbender anime. In contrast, the reason the show was so successful is because of the thought and detail. Literally every character, every episode is important to further the plot. Avatar is an excellent way of telling stories. It had rules, it had its lane and it worked. People of all ages can appreciate it. The last airbender avatar cast.
Anyone else need their yearly dosage of avatar😂
The last airbender trailer 2020. The last airbender avatar lofi. The last airbender episode 1. The last airbender song. The last airbender avatar season 1. The last airbender 2 release. Aang: had the most epic battle in the universe. Also Aang: does tai chi on a hill. The last airbender game. When the characters mispronounce their own names. The last airbender avatar characters. The last airbender 2010. Everything wrong with the last Airbender Read the first word EXACTLY.
The last airbender.
The last airbender movie clips. The last airbender 3. The last airbender reviews. The last airbender avatar state. I tink naruto can bet anng. The last airbender reaction. The last airbender full movie. The last airbender movie. This seems like they just went off they just based it off of the play In season three and not the show itself.
The Last airbender. The best part of this is that it's not the Avatar who defeats him, it's Aang. The kid who was raised to not harm other beings, and couldn't take this man's life. Every one of his past lives told him to do what ever it took, and there were two moments when he could have ended it then and there: When he redirects Ozai's lightning and when the Avatar State unleashes it's power, but the Avatar state isn't the gentle kid we've followed through this journey. It takes his strength, and his courage to bend the energy of another, not the skill or strength of who he was in the past, but who he is. That to me, is the coolest aspect. Edit: Thank you for the feedback, you guys have pointed out some crucial stuff I've missed, but I still stand on my words. You don't have to agree, but hopefully this is a bit more clear. Aang is the Avatar, that is always going to be a part of him, but killing Ozai wasn't the answer. I see what you guys mean about Aang having to learn to separate his duty as the Avatar from the morals of his people, but an Avatar is still an individual, and killing the firelord wouldn't have been his choice. Now was it his to make? No, the duty is to protect the world at all costs, and I don't know what he would've done if Spirit-Bending wasn't an option, but this Iroh quote pretty much sums it up when he and Aang talk in the tunnel after he leaves the Eastern Air Temple: Perfection and power are overrated, I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love. He had the power advantage, Ozai even points this out. But senseless violence wasn't going to end the war, regardless of justification. On behalf of the other nations, Aang didn't need to forgive the Fire Nation, but they are a necessary part of the world. 4 nations; separate but the same. You need to show that you believe people can change, for it to happen.
The last airbender final battle. The last airbender 2 full movie.
The last airbender azula. The last airbender wiki. I love the music when Azula enters the scene because you know theres gonna be trouble. The last airbender ending. The episode with Haru is important because it gives the audience an understanding of how common folks are being affected by the imperialism of the Fire Nation. I have to admit, the thing I disliked most about this is that they got firebending wrong. Firebenders are supposed to be able to conjure their element at will, they're the only nation who can and that combined with it's destructive nature is what makes them a threat. Instead the movie just makes them manipulate fire, and then has to contrive ways for them to achieve that in the Arctic. Stupid.
The last airbender comic. The last airbender earth bending scene. They really need to revisit this movie, they missed so much. The last airbender movie 2. The last airbender csfd. The last airbender intro. Can we just have dozens of sins because of how they pronounce Aang. 5:19 IHE is Ayu Tsukimiya confirmed. The only The Last Airbender worthy of watching, from what I hear. I'd rather call this The Last Airbender in all contexts. I just finished the show minutes ago, and it honestly is and always will be the best show I have ever seen. The last airbender series. The last airbender lofi hiphop mix. They didn't even care about this movie. I mean, they couldn't even have the cast resemble the cartoon's counterparts, and none of the characters follow anything the cartoon's design in the way it was written. I'm better off wasting my time with one of the movies in the non DreamWorks collection.
4:00 Let's just ignore that Aang has been frozen for 100 years and he's flirting to a 12 years old girl. Wouldn't it be so sad if they made the second movie with a brilliant director, amazing cast and outstanding special effects on a top level and nobody would watch it because of the first movie.
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